Saturday, December 27, 2008

Hann Pyng on the air~~~

finally Hann Pyng's dream came true, he got to go on to Ai FM's singing show as one of the week champion to compete for the winner of the month!
i gave up my badminton time to record his voice on radio so all of u can enjoy!
what a good thing to happen as the year ends!
tat stupid program stuffed so many advertisements and songs that wait was i start this blog adi before its over
waaa the pk starts as i am writing this bolg...omg the other guy made a mistake in his song....he is singing 爱太痛(love hurts too much)...oooo he went out of tune!!!!....hp might win!!!!
he seems to be crying.....o he was too nervous...seems like he was shaking...
wat!!!! the judge says it was unfair that he did so much better in the practice!
oooo sad for him...he wanted to go again but it was not allowed
Next is Hann!!!!wa.... good
but....he sang 1 extra chores...............................................faint****
but i didnt realised at all!!! i was so absorb in his voice!!!!
wa the judge still say hp and the other one gets to join a 1 day sing class!!!!!!!
that was so good!!!! sorry that the computer can only record up to 60 seconds at once
so hp"s song was not complete here T_T i hope other friends of his managed to get the full version
waaa the voting starts......
Hann Pyng Won!!!!!!! yea!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
i will try to upload his record soon...something went wrong with the net.....again.again

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