Saturday, June 28, 2008

pics to tell

this tree looks so much like cherry blossom
don't know its real name though
this is what should be called mushroom fried rice, wooo i love it

the fish massarge seems t get so popular, even at Salayang Mall...
RM10 for 20 mins, it looks dirty though the day when i as at the mall seems to be victor's "meet with fans" day
i am so not his fan........why can groups like S.H.E or jay
at Genting there was a basketball competition and this girl atttracted a croed of people watching her scoring
at a chinese restarant eating traditional chese steam bowl

in the library, good way to watch what ever you think it is embarrassing for others to know
yea believe your eyes, a pink bmw infront of taylors
the bin in my room after the exam, well tony and i will sure hav good bones
wasted breakfast as the lidzards enjoied themselevs first

Thursday, June 26, 2008

Day 4 at kk~~ island hopping!!!!

waaa some of the very good pictures for this is lost as yew chuan's memory stick is corrupted!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

luckly some surived, yew and me
do you believe we can still be this energetic the day after the climb?
well hann pyng and pooi mon fall sick, rest of us ok
sissors, paper stone!!
i lost
the result is this......

well the next day we just hang around at the local market and got back to kl at 4 pm,

i was having fever on the plane, luckly it came at the last minute^_^

Day 3>>towards the peak!

this is how the last part of the track looks like, when we were going up it was still completely dark, but i think i saw the most beautiful stary sky i hav ever seen in my life!!!!! we were really lucky that the weather was excellent when we were there.
we all got up at 1am covered up, and started our trail to the peak view when we are coming down from the peak, fantastic isn't it
like before tony and chuan tung reached the peak first, i reached at 5 something, and the sky has alreay begin to light up

the south peak, the one on the one ringet note
we all reached at the end!!!!!!!!! i was blocked by that stupid uncle in this pic!!!
the sun rise
low's peak, that where we climbed
this peak is called "ugly sister"
the "donkey ears"
then it was time for us to make our way down the mountain, i hurt my knees

at the rocky part i think , as the journey was a nightmare for me, as expected tony and chuan tung got to eat their lunch at 2pm bu me and suat leng struggled untill 4 pm to reach the starting point,

here is another story, when me and suat leng reached we were wildly happy until we met an uncle we spoke to at te peak

uncle:" wa y u 2 so slow, i wait4ee here for an hour already...."

suat and me speechless........

pooi mon twised her ankle up there so the guides helped her along the way down, she reached at 6 pm and we all going back to kk town for dinner

Tuesday, June 24, 2008

watched 13 going on30

under turtle's suggestion i watched the movie on you tube
rather true
whats the point of all the success when there is no one to trust and share?

Monday, June 23, 2008


these are extracts from a super "holy" book i read

"i do not believe that we are all created equal. physical and emotional differences, parental guidance,varying environments, being in the right place at the right time all play a role in enhancing or limiting development. But i do believe every man or woman, if given the opportunity and encouragement to recognize his or her potential, regardless of background, has the freedom to choose in our world. will an individual be a taker or a giver in life? will he be satisfied merely to exist or will he seek a meaningful purpose?"

"why are so many of us constantly restless in a pursuit of "something more"? Something is missing , we vaguely but strongly suspect, even when things are going well for us.

how can we understand , analyze , interpret , or explain the emotional restlessness that relentlessly pressures us to reach further , climber higher, acquire more? the result? the clock never stands still, we fail to fully enjoy the present moment. Our emotions are projected into the activities and events of tomorrow. so busy are we planning the future that we never taste the pleasures of the present."

"a perfect communication between two people isn't the type of relationship in which there are no fights, no arguments, no cross words. perfect communication is when both persons are able to open up and actually tell each other how they feel with respect and mutual esteem. not silence, but creative, constructive, respectful conversation is righteousness in communication."

the book is called by ROBERT H.SCHULLER
CAL number is 226.9306 SCH in tcsj library

i suggest Aliceturtle to read this book,,,the religous part may suit her ^_^

Friday, June 20, 2008

Day 2.....the climbing starts!

tony and chuan tung reached the resting place first!!!! we were all WET with this temperature u know!
wowo the earthworms up there are fantastic, the are huge and strong, like headless snakes
it started raininghalf way for our climb! the rain coats doesnt do so much....
the vegatation slowly changes as you go up the mountain, we were tracking in a cloud
putcher plant!!!
some tree with flower on the leaves

the view from where we start the climb, alread so high right?
hahahaha luckly i was not the one carring all those, i paied RM50 for the porter to carry my bag, he tied all our bags together
waiting fot the guide, nothing to do, so better do some prayers
packed up from dorm and we left our bags are the registration place

view of the mountain before we leave
after a buffet breakfast
group pic at the map
at the starting point of the track

KK trip 1st day continued

at the registration place at kk park
o on Air Asia!

are the dorm where we slept at kk park, all excited as next morning we will start the climb, haha jun soo is already asleep below us~~~
at the mall,,,i dont know what to say~~~~

i blog so slow about the trip because bloggers seems to not let me upload photos!!!!

Thursday, June 19, 2008

i love going against sometimes

the more y dad tells me to study, then more i want to anything else(woooyea)
the more people tells me biomed is not too bad the more i want to do medicine(i havnt decided)
the more my dad tells me not to go for a gathering, the more i feels like going
.....just hese two, three ,,, everything else i feels by the current

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Can Some One Tell Me....Should i go after medicine??????????

should i be a doctor?
i wanted to just do biomedical science cause i am interested in medicine but the responsibility and work load keeps the idea of being a doctor away from my head.

but so many of my friends are going after medicine

their bravery makes my heart itch

and wat mrs sheela said to thomas itches me too as she would always go for the highest

i cant focus on anything now...

can i hold people's life in my hands? i dont want to but i hate to be the useless one when people needs help
the look on doctor's face when they r treating patients are just the coolest thing in the world
should i take up a job that put my health, safety, family happiness, on the line?

i want to know medicine, but the blame from patients family,,, that could kill me

should i go after medicine??

hair and swim

story NO 1

my dad called me in the afternoon

"i m going to cut my hair, are u cutting yours?"

In my head:"what i just cut it five days ago..."

" no, i just cut it"

"then why is your hair so long?"

In my head:" did i hear right...LONG???....i thought it was shorter than i wanted"

"long mei? nooooo...i am not cuting any more you go"

in my head:"if i still want any hair left........."

"ok i will be back home alittle late than"

Arrrrrr generation gap........

Story NO 2

after the phone call i went to swim at the tiny pool next to my apartment, there was only a friendly big guy in there...

then later there came a guy half naked, but so fit looking that u will need minutes to count how many "packs" he has...(he took really long before he get into the pool....i wander why)

"when can i ever be that fit...."

then he started to swim..,.....

i paused for a second when i realised what i expected to be some powerful strokes turned out to be the funnest dog style i have ever seen......he was tall so its a good thing that he can save him selves (pool is shallow) ....i quickly swam away....the guys arms and legs acted like four twisting octopus tanticles below him which helped him to move........what a waste of good body shape....

so it is a good idea to know how to swim when swimming pool is where you can actually "show off" your body(if u want to) or else it will just be ....blogged for not a good reason....

Monday, June 16, 2008

every thing changes

how we feel about each other change
how we look change
how we do things change
how we handle things change
how we treat ourselves change
how we treat each other change
what we like change
what we believe change
what we depend on change
what we hate change
where we live change
where we hang out change
where we study change
where we are heading to changes
why we meet up change
why we laugh changes
why we piss off change
when we sleep change
when we think about each other change
when we need each other change

i forgot where i heard this
but it sounded something like this:
when you have true friends
that means when you allow yourself to free fall
there is someone there to catch you before you land...........

the KK trip~~~ Day 1 LCCT to KK

a super big, cute slipper

on the plane

on the van........

waaaaa holi finally started and i finally can sit down peacefully for a few hours to blog about this super fun trip with all my (horny) friends and (super fit) lecturers!!! btw i right now i m in the college's computer room .....library in renewation and A level students in holiday, and i just attened an workshop on research and i was the only one in there for 1 and half hours....pitty the librarians,,,,

well here goes, i only slept at 3am and got to LCCT and picked up Tony and Hann Pynn at Subang along the way...

well nothing much , got to kk, ate chicken rice and hang around at a mall to wait for mrs Lim to pick ms wong up from the sir port, then suat leng joined us and a two hour journey to kinabaru park began!!!!!!

if u watch the video later we got over excited by the scenery...

Friday, June 13, 2008

CAL Prom

woooo sound freaky that this took place today on the 13th a friday...

but it was not bad...

well first of all i realised i should NEVER go to a thing like this less than 40 mins late, cause hann pyng and i waited for a hour , even for those who are already there up at the hotel room....omg

and after everyone arrived we start to take pictures, but the lighting was horrible, and those picture taken without flash was ....v dark....sign~~~~

but over all it was great, we get to watch Mr chan dance for us up close and hav the prom king normanies do strip dance on stage....that was really mindblowing.............u must see it to believe it!

so the other guys went clubbing~~~~and every one with picture pls upload to friendster or facebook! i will c what i can do to the dark pic with photoshop......
Happy Holi every1 !!!!!!!!