Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Can Some One Tell Me....Should i go after medicine??????????

should i be a doctor?
i wanted to just do biomedical science cause i am interested in medicine but the responsibility and work load keeps the idea of being a doctor away from my head.

but so many of my friends are going after medicine

their bravery makes my heart itch

and wat mrs sheela said to thomas itches me too as she would always go for the highest

i cant focus on anything now...

can i hold people's life in my hands? i dont want to but i hate to be the useless one when people needs help
the look on doctor's face when they r treating patients are just the coolest thing in the world
should i take up a job that put my health, safety, family happiness, on the line?

i want to know medicine, but the blame from patients family,,, that could kill me

should i go after medicine??

1 comment:

AY said...

i left my opinion on sin sin's blog