Monday, June 23, 2008


these are extracts from a super "holy" book i read

"i do not believe that we are all created equal. physical and emotional differences, parental guidance,varying environments, being in the right place at the right time all play a role in enhancing or limiting development. But i do believe every man or woman, if given the opportunity and encouragement to recognize his or her potential, regardless of background, has the freedom to choose in our world. will an individual be a taker or a giver in life? will he be satisfied merely to exist or will he seek a meaningful purpose?"

"why are so many of us constantly restless in a pursuit of "something more"? Something is missing , we vaguely but strongly suspect, even when things are going well for us.

how can we understand , analyze , interpret , or explain the emotional restlessness that relentlessly pressures us to reach further , climber higher, acquire more? the result? the clock never stands still, we fail to fully enjoy the present moment. Our emotions are projected into the activities and events of tomorrow. so busy are we planning the future that we never taste the pleasures of the present."

"a perfect communication between two people isn't the type of relationship in which there are no fights, no arguments, no cross words. perfect communication is when both persons are able to open up and actually tell each other how they feel with respect and mutual esteem. not silence, but creative, constructive, respectful conversation is righteousness in communication."

the book is called by ROBERT H.SCHULLER
CAL number is 226.9306 SCH in tcsj library

i suggest Aliceturtle to read this book,,,the religous part may suit her ^_^

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