Tuesday, July 14, 2009


sounds so dramatic in the koreanish way...
but still the pressure is crushing me...because i am lazy!
my aunt said:"ur dad went ALL IN for ur uni tuition fees , so you should just give up your fun and try to finish within three years. (a four year course!)...and get as many schoar ships as possible....."
but now i didnt even met the minimal english require to skip the English as a second language class, there will be top studetns from all over the world to complete with, and my dad keeps asking me whether i can graduate in three years under scholarship....
but that is not the main point.... i cant study or do much paperation this holi...i am too distracted and ...locked up (physically and mentally) at home that all i want to do is repel....

now a person wasting a holiday 10 months long is trully failure!!!!
i guess i suck at multitasking anyway...
i think i know what to do now too
i cant achieve anything if i dun "ALL IN"

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