Saturday, January 26, 2008

yo hostel life

it is rather hard to persuade hannpynn and chuang tung to come and sleep over.
the price paid is sleep at 2 and late for class the next day
luckly Ms lourds our bio teacher was in good mood Hann pynn on my bed eating my orange
the four who made the BBQ successful. us and our marinaded chicken!!!
we will be good wives and husbands
my lovely housemate and meself!
Chuang tung's teeth hit me when we were throughing him into the swimming pool
it was my first time experience to hav blood leaking down from my head.
cute and werid to hav a plaster there
chuang tung in pain

the freedom and warmth that i have being searching for a v long time.

it feels much better when i dont hav to face all the homework alone, it is much more fun to hav a BBQ when i know i can go back as late as i want to, it is rather good when u are not late for class on ur own.
but we take 2 hours to hav dinner every day!!!!the pressure of As is getting bigger!
guess i will quit my badminton training, since we excercise almost three times a week already to gain stamina for the Mt KK trip. Ms lim signed us up for the 10km to start practicing next week!!!

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