Sunday, April 27, 2008

i like attention!!!!!

yea i so dont feel like updating this blog cause no 1 even c it
but this should be for my self not just for others to c!!!!
i c i hav being powered by attention
y do i depend so much on attention?????
all my happiness have been directly proportional to the attention i get
yes so SAD
yes i hav being so jealous of the ones who seems to be them selves
cause i dont seems to be who i want to be all the time
i am afraid to fight
so i rarely fight for what i what
paralysing my mind saying that "what should be my will be my"
so i hated competitions, cause i always lose
i hate to compare cause i always....(how to say?)...lose

well on the bright side i feel everyone around me is perfect
simply perfect
and put myself into the shadow under their brightness
and just hope to vanish..........but i dont want to
yea conflicts i c
life is all about compromising

Thursday, April 24, 2008

arrrr gone

yew chuan's memory stick got corrupted before anyone can extract the picture we took in Sabah........
this sucks

Monday, April 21, 2008

The Taylor's Banner!!!!

well even though i druw it till 2 am the previous was completelt redone the next that and the four of us: chuang tung, pooi mun, hann pynn and i worked for more than a normal school day!you guys should be able to c lots of pic with the banner for our KK trip!
so much hard work!

Friday, April 11, 2008


it can fly like the wind and can crawl like snails
now, i feel both
eager to go KK (before anything happens) but with all the AS and A2 revision piling up(really high)
i m getting scared
like chuang tung said:"go find ur time"
and its here
giving me no time to decide what to give up
Grey's Anatomy or online time?
it is painful to give up something
maybe it all worth it
depanding on our choice

Thursday, April 10, 2008

Thinking~~~###***** and doing

i think toooo much ...this is for sure
sometimes....most of the time, doing is more worth than think even when it is not very clear in the head
i always only think.....but when it comes to doing i slack off......wasted all my thinking////
but doing can make a difference even if it is not the best or smartest way to achieve something
and most of the time when we do come up with the smartest solution it would be too late

thinking too much should be the reason why i just cant score for thinking skills
sometimes thinking too much too early too hard makes things harder than they already are
so i always ,,,,,,give up
when the complicated mind tries to dig under the obvious the exam time is up
so better learn the lession,
think before i do something( i better...)
and i better do it even it doesnt turn out as planned

five days of holi left....

Watching Grey's Anatomy

i am watching Grey's anatomy this holiday, and got addicted, i am only at season two.

there was an episode when there was a train crash. a girl and a guy had a steel pole right through the both of them. i tried to take screenshot to show u guys but it couldnt work.
two complete strangers, with a pole connecting them through their stomach, face to face, the girl's name is Bonnie and the guy Tom. it was painful enough to just watch them stuck there getting to know eachother in the OR.
and between the doctors a desion is to be made, who to remove from the pole?? there will be massive bleeding for the one removed and little chance of surival.
it was a sad moment, they picked the girl who had the bigger damage, when they tell the two of them the decision, i cred as the girl said it was ok.

the girl died in the end, and the man lived.

sometimes it really require some painfull moments to make us realise agin and again how short life can be . most of the time we realise it far too late..... thought i learnt that lession when our old friend passed away..but i am still complaining about my workload,my parents,myself.....guess its time for me to stop, and realise how luck i m......i really m

i strongly suggest all those who want to be medical students watch "Grey's Anatomy"
it is rather realistic in the clinic part....

Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Pic to share( v old 1s)

Arrrr the beautiful trees infront of my hostel
now they r cut wooo the Korean food i order at Asia Cafe
CT and HP wanted to bate i couldn't finish
i did.....

Tony's star tortise

lingling brought to our room

PC at library in repair

the maintance guy has got humor
becca woke up from her nap in library
in Sin's room!

Monday, April 7, 2008

Swimming after trails!

Muhahahaha empty pool 4 us HP so proud of his ........body
i was too cold so i came up first
we arriced at 12:30 but it only open at 2!!! so we waited in A&W.......eating float~~~~
then it rained so sososososososo long that we couldnt leave.......~~~~
me ...... an unqualified teacher tried to teach them frog style....
hope they can at least float ... after i ruined all the teaching from suat lim........
we only walked back at 4:30~~~~~~i dont believed we can stay in that cold water for so long

Marathon at the mid of Trials........

we had to get up at 4:30 to wait for mrs Lim to pick us up......can u tell where this is?
the street opposite different at early morning the mpsj stadium where we practiced
so many sporty people !!!!

the night lights at indepandence square is so good!

Yea! after the run!right before the run start

in the end we all finished the 10 km ! but we lost contact with mrs lim so ended up waiting for 2 hours with no reason..........wish we can get the group photos from her.....