Saturday, January 26, 2008

yo hostel life

it is rather hard to persuade hannpynn and chuang tung to come and sleep over.
the price paid is sleep at 2 and late for class the next day
luckly Ms lourds our bio teacher was in good mood Hann pynn on my bed eating my orange
the four who made the BBQ successful. us and our marinaded chicken!!!
we will be good wives and husbands
my lovely housemate and meself!
Chuang tung's teeth hit me when we were throughing him into the swimming pool
it was my first time experience to hav blood leaking down from my head.
cute and werid to hav a plaster there
chuang tung in pain

the freedom and warmth that i have being searching for a v long time.

it feels much better when i dont hav to face all the homework alone, it is much more fun to hav a BBQ when i know i can go back as late as i want to, it is rather good when u are not late for class on ur own.
but we take 2 hours to hav dinner every day!!!!the pressure of As is getting bigger!
guess i will quit my badminton training, since we excercise almost three times a week already to gain stamina for the Mt KK trip. Ms lim signed us up for the 10km to start practicing next week!!!

Sunday, January 20, 2008

Arrr college life semester two....

take at Asia Cafe
My friends and i at eca gym....only went once this week
yes my mess room
my study table

well how to live life to the fullest... i guess it would be a compromise between " work hard play hard" and "make the right choices"

Mu hahaha i went to cyber cafe the first time of my life....(sad T_T) ..luckly i dont feels so addicted maybe because DOTA is too troublesome play as i must memerise all the recipies. well i know i m not an efficent worker,,,, so can i manage through with all the temptations around me?

arrr my trials are at the end of March....and still got SAT and TOEFL.........why.....

Saturday, January 12, 2008


Arr not my...but i think i need.... view from Machine Gun's place, Carrefour there!

Taylor's A'level- Temptations

"Well somehow i dont feel as excited as expected..." David mumbled to himself while unlocking the red gate of the house where holds his dream hostel room. The red gate sure gave him a secure feeling. it looks so protective that the tiny square hole to which one's hand must squeeze through to the other side of the gate to reach the lock made the job time consuming.

a rush of full-fillment filled David when he got to his room, simple, small but decent for living."miracles do happen hehe"he mumbled again. it was rather unbelievable to find an ok room 1 minute walk to college when it was already a few days away to the new intake.

"Tan should be satisfied.." and yes David's new roommate plus classmate plus soul mate plus... was quite satisfied indeed (i think..). so are all the problems solved and time for a 11 monthes of hard work?

then david realised his is after all another greedy human he is surrounded by cyber cafes , pool places, comic stores.............yea temptations.......

his heart itches (badly) every time he founds his other friends go....but TOEFL, IELTs, SAT, and A' level awaits him...." i guess i can should just learn abit......"

it is after all an unexpected turn. "i actually thought i will be satisfied here.. how ridiculous.." david thought.....

Monday, January 7, 2008

last day of holiday! Hostel life starts!

cloudly day,,,hope i wont feel cloudlylike that again! 龟麟膏 so bitter!!!i poured half the pot of honey
my foot mark on PD beach!

Finally the end of the big sales..i brought three new pants.......i guess no more shopping for a year..... taken during my Hostel search....nice?
The ADP libiary is so nice!,,,,the view of my college from there....
sea grape! found on beach on port dickson!!!!!

arr will be back home on thurs and weekend again -_-" what to do, parents lonely at home....

well the new time table is rather fine....the breaks hav being mixed and extended..since no more LAN....

waa hope i havnt forgot everything..tomorrow first lession is chem....arrr....hope i can get along with tony....(he seems to be worried)-_-"".......hope i can concentrate on study....(not today)*_*............hope for a busy but fun year.....(hope my dad dont always come and visit me in superise..) @_@ ....and i will see Kim rather often
***Good Luck Every One Who Start College!***

Friday, January 4, 2008

Arr Holiday ends...

what a holiday...should be the last long and fun one before my A2 exam.......

my grandparents came at the start of the holidays and they will fly back to Bejing tomorrow night. it as a fullfilling time as my family went to Genting, Port Dickson, Putro Jaya, and almost all the big shopping malls in KL, and without my grandparents, Cameron highland.

it was sosososososososo nice meeting up with all my elc friends again after sosososo long time even though i missed the chance to see some of them. Arrrr wander when can we hav another reunion again.........some of them leaving to Austrilia next month.

well i spent most of my time looking for hostle in subang ss15 and was not a smooth jounery towards success. i walked round the ss15 area under the sun twise before the true miracle happens that i found a decent room in the hexigonal area beside my college!!!!!!!!!!!!!

hahahahaha all the hard work seems to worth it, and i got tanned so much, from PD and from the walk.

and another week of hospital attarchment before the hostle search...arrr boring and meanful...

that leave me no time to revise the physics and math and....... thinking skills which i almost failed. well never mind ...............